Head Chef
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Welcome to the Marlowe's Recruitment Portal
Thank you for showing an interest in joining the team at The Marlowe Theatre - UK Theatre's workforce award-winners.
It’s common for us to receive a high number of applicants for our roles. As you fill in your application, please give us as much detail as possible about your suitability for the role, particularly anything that will help you stand-out from the crowd.
To ensure fairness, your application will be anonymised at shortlisting and for some positions other answers will be anonymised too, such as criminal convictions, geographical data and schools attended.
Information you provide about your protected characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, sexual preference etc will be hidden and for HR use only.
If you state that you that you have a disability your application will be assessed against the essential criteria for the position under the Disability Confident scheme. If you are later invited to interview, take part in a visit or assessment then you will have opportunity to let us know what reasonable adjustments you might need.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Privacy Policy
The Marlowe will put in place appropriate safeguards (both in terms of our procedures and the technology that we use) to keep your personal information as secure as possible. Should your application lead to employment with the us we will ensure that any third parties we use for processing your personal information do the same.
Your application record will remain on this system for 3 years if your application is unsuccessful. It will not be used for other positions unless you reapply. The 3 years runs from the date of your latest application. If your application is successful and you become an employee your information will be retained as per our Staff Privacy Policy.
After creating an online application with the Marlowe Theatre you retain the right of access, of rectification or of deletion of your personal data. To do this sign into your online account at any time to view the vacancies you have applied for in the past 3 years. You can also update your email alert preferences and opt out of further notifications if required.
The Marlowe's Data Protection Officer is Paul Turner. Questions about data protection should be emailed to Paul Turner at finance@marlowetheatre.com
Please fill in your email address below and click ‘start’ to commence the application process.
Extended Data Storage
Your answer to this question will be kept for an extended period anonymously.
Most of your application information will be deleted within 6 months from the closing date of this position or decision on your application (whichever is later).
Your answer to this question will be kept for an additional 30 months before being automatically deleted.
This is kept to help us with our legal obligations only and used for data analysis. It can't be traced to you personally in this extended period.
Application Blocked
Unfortunately the answer you have provided to this question means we cannot accept your application.